Homebound Ministry

The Homebound Ministry at Holy Spirit was established to bring Our Lord, present in the Holy Eucharist, to homebound parish members. A person may be homebound due to age, illness, physical and/or mental incapacities and unable to attend Sunday Mass. The ministry also strives to help the homebound person stay connected to parish activities by bringing the bulletin and monthly calendar. Prayer cards/books are also given and the person is asked to become a “prayer warrior” for the needs of the parish and the world. Fr. John is kept current on the status of our clients and visits them for anointing or confession when needed or requested.

During a homebound visit, a prayer format is followed which includes introductory and penitential rites, liturgy of the Word, prayers of the faithful, liturgy of Holy Communion, and a concluding rite. The Blessed Sacrament may be placed on a linen cloth with a crucifix and lighted candle. Visits can be arranged by calling the parish office and requesting homebound visitation. The homebound minister will contact the homebound person and arrange a mutually convenient time. Visits are usually done on a weekly basis.

Any practicing Catholic, in good standing with the Church and who is an approved Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, may become a Homebound Minister. You will be given the training and will need to purchase a pyx (container in which the Eucharist is kept), a burse (travel pouch for the pyx) and the prayer book. These are available in the Holy Spirit Book and Gift Store. The number of people we serve fluctuates due to clients’ changing needs. Some people recover and no longer need home visits. Others move to facilities which are served by other parish ministries. Death is also a reality. Our faith gives us hope and comfort that our ministry has helped prepare those we serve for the eternal life which Jesus has promised to those who believe in Him with His words, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” 

If you have questions about this ministry or would like to join, please contact the Parish Office or Marie Schlepers at 810-923-3179.