Our St. Philomena Story

Do you know anybody named Philomena?

Before learning of the young 13 year old martyr from the early Roman persecutions, I was aware of it but I don’t believe I ever met anyone with that name.

It’s an unusual name that must have had its origins in the 19th century after the young saint became widely known and so, for a while anyway, it became a name that was given to many young girls of Catholic background. With the passage of time, however, its popularity waned and so it’s now quite rare to find a girl  with that name. But recently that changed for me, and a few others as well. I now have met two young girls named Philomena. But, before I tell you about them, let me tell the story of how I became acquainted with the young Greek girl who became a Christian and then courageously died a martyr's death because of her loyalty to her God and her faith.

By Fr. John Rocus

The Holy Spirit visited our parish during the building of our school. See him high on the beam lowering the truss into place.

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St. Philomena painting by parishioner Caroline Gabel

Fr John with Philomena and Philomena. Kindergartener and 8th grader

Fr John at the shrine of St. Philomena in Mugnano de Cardinals, near Naples, in Italy. The relics of St. Philomena are embedded in an effigy of her body.

Click to read the History of the Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena