St. Joseph Guild

The St. Joseph Guild is a group of mostly retired men and women who meet weekly to work on the Parish’s “Honey Do List”.

In the words of Fr. John, “Members of the St. Joseph Guild work hard here on campus every Wednesday morning throughout the year and take care of things like lawns, painting, digging holes and, well, the list goes on and on. They have saved us tons of money in the 15 years that they have been in existence. So let me use this opportunity to invite anybody who has a little time on their hands on Wednesday mornings to please consider joining us – I am sure we can find something for you to do. Oh, by the way, we eat very well in the Guild; the morning starts with the Eucharist (the bread of life) followed by coffee and donuts, and then at noon, Chuck and Rod provide us with a wonderful lunch. Then everybody goes home and takes a nap.”

Members meet every Wednesday morning for their weekly assignments to help the parish with miscellaneous maintenance jobs as well as new projects. Please join us any Wednesday for 8:00am Mass followed by coffee and donuts before we work until our Noon lunch.

Contact Mike Tworek, Facility Manager with questions. 810-231-9199 x210

READ: Faith Magazine Article about one of our members.